Thursday, 14 June 2012

Y Niwl Newydd

A new EP from Llanrwst's Y Niwl!
Talk of Tarantino movies and Dick Dale, yadda yadda, is becoming old hat. Their mix of psych and surf is easy to swallow but impeccably enjoyable.
There isn't a lot here that will be new to anyone who has seen Y Niwl over that past half a year or more. That doesn't really matter, Dauddegdau, in particular, is lovely.

Below the Soundcloud bit is an excerpt from something I wrote after Swn Festival in October 2011. Their show at a rammed, sweaty Dempsey's -- despite (or perhaps because of) a power cut -- was one of greatest gigs I have ever been to. I'm not over exaggerating. Y Niwl are a gift that keeps giving and giving.

THIS year’s highlight came by the way of a power cut. Late on the Saturday night of Cardiff’s Swn Festival around 300 people packed into Dempsey’s Pub awaiting Y Niwl's third show of the weekend. They were greeted with a power surge.
Darkness was fleeting but it left in its wake an unresponsive soundsystem. Monitors were turned to face the crowd in a DIY solution and delivered an impossibly primal assault of surf music.
They were loud and fun with an increased feeling of urgency. One that shook you at the bottom of your chest before it spilled out into the whole body in a phenomenon I can now only describe as mass impromptu solo jitterbugging. Well, as much as that’s possible. Memories might be clouded by sheer awesomeness.
The performance encapsulated a more than impressive year for the Llanrwst band. It began with Sunday Times album of the week before it took on a world tour with Gruff Rhys. Watching them in Manchester in October, it is worth noting that my girlfriend, who is steadfastly disinterested in anything that is not The Cramps or Iggy Pop, was bowled over.
Hats off to Y Niwl, the only band I have ever seen manage to do that.

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